Monday, March 12, 2012 News

Bend It Like Bella: Dodgeball

Do you guys ever play dodgeball? Dodgeball is one my FAVE games. Here are some reasons why:

1. You can make it as serious or as fun as you want.

2. The girls can get JUST as involved as the boys. No “boys only” business here.

3. It’s a fun way to work exercise into your day and who doesn’t need that?

4. You get to throw a ball at someone. Don’t even try and tell me that that doesn’t sound like fun sometimes! (Just play nice, people!)

5. You can have so much fun with teams! Get funky with your uniforms and come up with a funny name. Friendly rivalry with the other teams is always a good time and is a great way to bond, too.

6. There’s no set number for how many people can play on a team. As long as you and your opponents have the same number, there’s really no limit to how many people can play!

7. Who says dodgeball has to be played on the ground?! Lately I’ve been really into playing dodgeball at this place called Sky High, which is a HUGE indoor trampoline play spot.

Dodgeball and a trampoline? I’m in! My friends and I have so much fun doing this and you don’t even realize how much good exercise you are getting. Watch it in action:

Click here to see if there’s a Sky High location near where you live andclick here to check out some more of their videos.

Do you and your friends ever play dodgeball? Had you ever seentrampoline dodgeball before? What would be a fun twist you would add to the game? Share in the comments so we can give it a try!

xo Bella

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